Investor FAQs

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Where is Skyward Specialty’s stock listed?
Skyward Specialty’s common stock is listed on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange (“NASDAQ”) under the ticker symbol, “SKWD.”
Where is Skyward Specialty headquartered?

Skyward Specialty’s headquarters is located at 800 Gessner, Suite 600, Houston, TX 77024.

When did Skyward Specialty first publicly list their shares?

Skyward Specialty began trading on NASDAQ on January 13, 2023.

When does Skyward Specialty’s fiscal year end?

Skyward Specialty’s fiscal year ends on December 31 each year.

Who is Skyward Specialty’s independent public accounting firm?

The Company’s independent auditor is Ernst & Young, LLP.

Does Skyward Specialty have a direct investment program?

Skyward Specialty does not offer a direct investment program and its stock must be purchased through a registered broker.

How can I purchase Skyward Specialty’s shares?

Skyward Specialty’s common stock can be purchased in the open market through any registered broker.

Does Skyward Specialty pay dividends?

The Company does not currently pay a dividend on its Common Stock.

When will Skyward Specialty’s earnings be announced?

Information about the Company’s next earnings release can be viewed, when available, by visiting the Upcoming Events section of the Company’s website or by clicking here.

Typically the earnings release, conference call and webcast dates are announced several weeks before the events occur via a press release and are generally held approximately six weeks after the close of the quarter.

Where can I find Skyward Specialty’s SEC filings? Where can I download and view quarterly and annual reports?

SEC filings as well as quarterly and annual reports can be accessed on the Investor Relations section of the Skyward Specialty website or by clicking here. SEC filings can also be accessed directly from the SEC:

Where can I request to receive all SEC filings, annual reports, and/or proxy statements electronically?

You can register your email address by signing up to receive email alerts, here.

Who is Skyward Specialty’s transfer agent and what is their contact information?

The transfer agent for Skyward Specialty is Equiniti Trust Company, LLC. They can be reached using the following information.

Equiniti Trust Company, LLC
55 Challenger Road, Floor 2
Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660
(800) 468-9716

How do I contact investor relations?

You can contact Skyward Specialty’s Investor Relations via email at

How do I sign up for email alerts for Skyward Specialty’s investor information?

To sign up for email alerts on our press releases, presentations, and filings, please click here.

How do I request additional information for Skyward Specialty?

You can contact us via our Information Request page under Investor Resources on the Investor Relations Site or click here.

Where can I find the latest news information for Skyward Specialty?

Skyward Specialty’s latest corporate-related press releases can be accessed here.


Contact Skyward Specialty